
1 ciabatta roll
8 bacon rashers
1 packet of mixed salad
250g cherry tomatoes
3 eggs soft boiled (optional)
dash of olive oil


1. Preheat oven to 200^C/400^f/Gas Mark 6. The croutons are made by hand and are very easy to make, instead of buying them deep-fried, simply rip the ciabatta into simple strips. At this point they will be quite soft. Drizzle some olive oil over the strips then place the strips in the oven for about 10 minues, until golden.

2. Cut the bacon rashers in half and fry them until crisp in a shallow pan, add the cherry tomatoes to the bacon and warm them slightly.

3. Place the mixed salad in a serving tray and feel free to add any dressing over the salad. Add the crispy bacon, tomatoes and ciabatta strips and mix them with the salad. Cut the eggs into wedges and place on top, add some olive oil and serve immediately.