It should be noted whereas the price of a driver's license in the US is comparatively low, in countries such as Germany the cost of taking the mandatory driving lessons and exams is extremely high, ranging from 2000 to 3500 Marks (1000 - 1500 USD).

In Germany the requirements for receiving a driver's license are the completion of:

  • a first aid (CPR, etc.) course

  • a number of nighttime and Autobahn driving lessons

  • a number of general driving lessons, in theory and practice

  • an exam on driving theory

  • a final practical driving test
  • You can figure at least a month until you have fulfilled all requirements, and an extra week or two for paperwork.

    Furthermore it should be noted that the system is privatized, meaning you usually have several driving schools to choose from. In the end, though, during the final driving test there is always a government official present who decides if you meet the requirements for a driver's license.