This a recipe that my for a real bad ass chicken alfredo pizza that my girlfriend and I cook. This is a recipe for a medium sized pizza, it feeds around four people. (It is so good though, I could eat almost half of the damn thing)

  • 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (more if you like lots of chicken)
  • One large jar of alfredo sauce
  • One or large package of shredded cheese (any kind will do, I use mostly cheddar and mozzarella)
  • You should make your crust from scratch, go here for a great recipe. (Or you can buy the packaged mix for convenience)
  • One package of pepperoni, (it gives it that pizza look)

You can add whatever you like if you find this recipe a bit bland.


First you need to cut up the chicken and cook it. No one wants to eat raw chicken. After that is done make your crust and put in on a medium sized pizza pan. Spread some alfredo sauce on it and plop some chicken on, make a couple of layers like this then sprinkle your cheese on and slam that baby in the oven for about 20 minutes or until the crust is done. The oven temperature should be about 350 degrees.

For an extra tasty treat you can add this great recipe to the pizza.
