????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The opinions expressed here aren't necessarily those of a sane person ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;-)??
Please /msg me to tell me of any missing links, mistakes, misspellings, or coffee stains in any of my nodes. I'll try and correct them (the coffee stains may be your own problem).
Please put all the necessary info into the message - "You misspelled a word in a node last week" is not considered a useful message (though almost certainly true).
If I message a note about a node feel free to use the information to update it without attribution. I'm just getting fed up of being nailed for adding small addendum nodes when I only have one or two facts to contribute.
Particular thanks to StopTheViolins who pointed out that I had managed to misspell the word "misspelled" on this page. Not quite as bad as the Guardian (a UK newspaper) which had the unenviable record of being most likely to misspell its own name.