Brain rot is a term used to describe extremely low quality content on short form videos from sites like TikTok and Youtube and the resulting dissolution of peoples mental faculties. Short form content is a psychological petri dish where rapid evolution can occur. If the optimization pressure could be turn to useful ends just imagine what we could accomplish. Alas, the only measure of success is the eyes of the hypnotized public. What holds human attention for like thirty seconds. At a minimum we now know that an unrelated voice over on game play footage seems effective. Also, super easy to manufacture. Quantity has a quality all its own and that quality is trash. Public freakouts, avoidable injuries, dance montages, set to music, sped up, with random noise inserted every time something slightly interesting happens at eardrum melting volumes will assault your senses and you'll like it. Or not. There's always another video a screens flick away. Samsara at relativistic speeds. A moments serious consideration may prompt the observation that this is just Youtube Poop on Meth.

But what does this do to people? Well, it rots brains. No, really! I know that they said this about TV, video games, and electronic music but for real this time. Generation Alpha's neurons putrefy as you read. Their speech is an incomprehensible melange of slang and internet references. Mind you half of this complaining is being done by Zoomers who are themselves still young (according to me). You know things have gotten bad when the generational conflicts starts this early. Cures for brain rot could include touching grass, dopamine detox, limiting screen time, or just not feeding the worst parts of the algorithm. Results may vary. Consult public opinion if symptoms worsen.