I'm writing this for a couple of reasons. To meet the requirements to reach level one, because I realize that today is the first day of the rest of my life (which is prescient when you just finished getting your liberal arts degree from a second rate school and you're wondering what it was you were doing with your life up to now), and because it just hit me that it's 2015. I'm living in the future. I'm not sure what makes 2015 "the future" for me but somehow it is. At this point tradition dictates that I gripe about the lack of flying cars and robots but since this is the future I'm going to break with tradition. Instead, I'm happy with the future that I've got and this place epitomizes the reason why. When I was a kid I wondered if I would live to see the conquest of the final frontier. I can't say that I still don't want that but when I look at all the shiny new things that people create and put on the web, things that they create in their spare time and don't ask a dime for, I say let fiction keep the space opera. I'm living in the future that I want.