Well, I made it through another November. This was easily the most intense crunch that I've ever put myself through. It started out very stressful and then sort of mellowed into a zen focus. I'd love to be able to access a functional, non perfectionist, writing head space without some kind of deadline but several years in and I'm pretty sure that this isn't something that I'm going to stumble into. I had this same problem with most college writing assignments. Constant writers block and procrastination follow by almost unnerving ease in typing words. It's worth noting that writer me isn't any sort of savant. I'm as good as ever and that's perhaps what I resent. The thing about writing that irks me is putting thoughts and feelings down only to see how much is missing. This can devolve into ever greater levels of florid, adjective laden detail or plain rambling which only the most masochistic reader will tolerate. Healthy conciseness always feel sparse to me and yet I can always feel the specter of bloat behind every impulse to elaborate. I'm starting to accept that the actual happy medium just feels incomplete. Or perhaps I'm just too neurotic to know when to stop.