user since
Wed Dec 31 2008 at 22:37:45 (15.6 years ago )
last seen
Fri Sep 19 2014 at 22:42:14 (9.9 years ago )
number of write-ups
32 - View EnochRoot's writeups (feed)
level / experience
5 (Crafter) / 1545
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
To improve my communication skills and learn from others' writing
Water and wastewater engineering, construction, cooking
Engineering consultant, primarily with ARCADIS in Greenville, sC
Learn from everything
most recent writeup
The Road to Omaha 2009 - Week 2
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I welcome constructive criticism of any of my write-ups. Please let me know if you spot any spelling or grammatical errors. I especially want to be informed of factual errors. /msg me.

annola says: What a terrifically interesting life you've led! Welcome!

Born August 17,1949 in Columbia, South Carolina, USA

Raised on an agricultural experiment station where my father was a research engineer. I was exposed to the cultural dichotomy of a highly educated research staff and a very poorly educated worker staff, while having the run of 3000 acres of mainly wooded farmland, all in rural South Carolina in the 1950's and 60's. There's a lot more to be said about that, and I hope to get around to it.

Graduated from Blackville (SC) High School in 1967, 3rd in a class of 44.

Received an appointment to the US Naval Academy at Annapolis in 1967, but "resigned" after my plebe (freshman) year due to a difference of opinion on the management style of the Academy. It turns out I'm not very good at taking deliberately demeaning orders from people I have no respect for.

Volunteered for the draft in 1968 and was inducted into the Army. I signed up for a third year immediately in order to get my choice of training - electronics - and avoid the infantry. Basic training and electronics training at the signal school at Fort Gordon in Augusta, Ga. Posted to Bien Hoa, Vietnam 1969-1970, then Heidelberg, Germany until I got out in 1971.

Spent the remainder of 1971 until September of 1973 roaming around Europe with a home base at the "World Commune" as we called it near Ghent, Belgium.

Attended Clemson University 1974-1978, graduating with a BS in Civil Engineering in May of 1978.

More later on my work life and experiences since then.

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