EQ (Emotional Quotient), (also EI or Emotional Intelligence) is an alternative measurement of intelligence popularized in both the mainstream and business media largely due to the efforts of Daniel Goleman and his book Emotional Intelligence. The premise of Goleman's book is that IQ is not necessarily an indicator of success and is an outdated interpretation of what it means to be smart. EQ considers such factors as an individual's social deftness, persistence, empathy and awareness of one's own emotions.

Emotional Intelligence can also be generalized as the "street smarts" in a person reflecting on their ability to deal successfully with other people, their feelings, and their everyday social environment. In dealing with these pressures successfully, an individual may be better able to positively influence their overall well-being.

Researchers have been trying to understand how IQ and EQ complement each other; how one's ability to handle stresscan affect the ability to concentrate and put intelligence to practical use. Researchers generally agree that IQ counts for approximately 20% of a person's overall success; the rest depends on everything from class to luck to the neural pathways that have developed in the brain over millions of years of human evolution.