I am two people: It was a semi-lucid dream where I went to my old college town (like I do every weekend) to play D&D and such. When I got there, though, I ran into me, who explained to me that I was using my other body on the weekends and that my other body still lived in the college town. I was upset with me because I kept taking over my body every weekend. I'm looking for a place to live. Part of me wants to disappear back into my old college town, like everyone else seems to.

Gigantic transparent spider: In a segue from the previous dream, I was late for class. For this class, I had to complete a science project involving a spider. I think that originally it was only an observation project, but I came up with the idea of genetically engineering a gigantic transparent spider that would be easier to observe. The spider had some other wierd qualities, though. Every night, its legs (which weren't transparent) would fall off, and every morning, it would grow new ones. It also never stopped growing. Towards the end of the dream, I got a cumulative case of the heebie-jeebies.