Men should never call themselves feminists without meaning it, and especially not just to get laid. All men should BE feminists. And good men are, or are once it's defined reasonably.

I would NOT date a man who was not feminist by my definition, any more than I would date a white supremacist if I were black.* It'd just be ... stupid. Unfortunately, womankind has far more Uncle Toms (as it were) than about any other group on the planet. Why is it that a non-racist is perceived as being simply a rational, moral person, but a non-sexist--a feminist--is perceived as believing that women are better than men? White folks tried that on the civil rights movement, but it was plainly not true of the movement in general, merely the fringe elements. So it was shot down. No such luck with women's rights! Months after I wrote about the mutual problem of Christians and feminists it's still making me angry that people buy the propaganda that completely undermines the entire movement of feminism.

* No, I wouldn't date a white supremacist in any other case, either. I'm just trying to point out how self-defeating and full of self-loathing I'd have to be to date a non-feminist. Eheh.