Stimulation Clicker is a parody of idle games and of current internet culture where the point is to get as much "stimulation" as possible. The game starts (as these games do) by clicking on a button, which allows you to purchase assets that produce "passive income". These assets are noisy and bright pictures and videos that blare and glare on the screen. They include a true crime podcast, a workout video, bouncing DVD logos, loot boxes among many other things. Before long the screen is a sludge of impenetrable sighs and sounds, and your laptop might be physically heating up from everything.

The good news is that this is a parody of such games, and not really an idle game. Because the thing about idle games is that they are often open ended, and this game being open ended would melt my laptop and my brain. But fortunately, this game does actually have an end after about a half hour of increasingly more hysterical clicking, and it can be "beaten" in under 5 minutes if you know a secret.

If you have a high tolerance for repetitive pictures and sound, and if you want to find out what this brain rot thing you've been hearing about is, you should probably check out stimulation clicker. Just, not a second time.