Elmyra Duff is a character in the cartoon show Tiny Toon Adventures, which ran from 1990 to 1992. She was a human girl, seemingly around eight years old, with red hair and a skull ribbon in her hair. She was voiced by accomplished voice actress Cree Summer. Her name is an adaptation of Elmer Fudd. Along with Montana Max, she is one of two major antagonists on the show.

Unlike her Rule 63 counterpart Elmer Fudd, who was a hunter, Elmyra is an animal lover, or at least she is in her own mind. However, she still wishes to hunt down "cute" animals, but not to hunt them, just to "hold them and love them and squeeze them into little bitty pieces", the last clause being a quite literal goal. Her attentions towards animals, although supposedly affectionate, are met with fear by the animals themselves. The comedy of Elmyra's appearances on Tiny Toon Adventure came from animals trying to escape Elmyra's supposedly well-meaning attention. Elmyra is a combination stalker and hoarder, trying to capture as many animals as she can to bring them back to her house to smother in her affections.

If you are familiar with American animation, you may know that most cartoons have a series of in-jokes thrown in "for adults", little cultural references and subtle innuendo made to amuse parents watching cartoons with their children. Some of these are clever, but they are usually just a joke or reference or two. But Elmyra Duff, as a character, is something that probably only an adult can understand. While the character's obnoxiousness and obliviousness might be funny to children, the true concept of the character, that of someone who hurts others out of supposed affection, is something that takes a while to understand. And despite the slapstick nature of the cartoon, I have to admit that upon rewatching it as an adult, the cloying, suffocating, self-centered nature of Elmyra Duff's "love" for animals comes across as very black comedy.