"Oh, The Thinks You Can Think" is a work by Dr. Suess, published in 1975. Unlike most of other Dr. Seuss' works, which have a narrative, "Oh, The Thinks You Can Think!" is a series of disconnected images.

Like Seuss' most famous works, The Cat in the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham, this book was designed for beginning readers. Unlike those books, it has Seuss' hallmark made-up words, and also has more multisyllabic words. Also, unlike "Green Eggs and Ham", which is easy to read through its use of repetition, this book has no such device. Each two-page spread uses a different setting and different vocabulary.

The only unifying theme to the books is the lengths that imagination can reach. This book has Dr. Seuss at his wildest: while earlier books had conventional landscapes with a few flourishes, or kept the weirdness at hand to tell the story, this book is just Seuss' imagination running wild. Loops and arches, weird animals that defy physics and biology, and bizarre machinery can all be found here. Some of the pictures are happy and idyllic, while others are slightly frightening (and could even be very frightening, if you were five years old and had to ask yourself, what would you do if you met a Jiboo at night.)

This book is meant to show the power of the imagination, and it does just that, with Seuss showing just how many odd things he can think up, in words and pictures. Although it lacks the narrative of many of Seuss' works, it still manages to convey the lesson he wants to teach: the imagination is a wonderful thing.