Existentialism for the Optimist

Existentialism simply put, means that we exist before we are defined. This is often construed to mean that there is no true meaning to life. For most people, this tends to elicit a feeling of despair. But as an optimist, I argue that we should not feel so.

Existentialism provides a number of benefits for the optimist. The first of which is freedom. Unlike the spoon, whose purpose was defined before it was first cast, we humans are given the choice of how we wish to define ourselves. We are not bound by preconceived ideals of what we are, and instead choose our own paths.

In choosing this path, we then put ourselves forward as shining beacons of everything we believe in. We show others what we believe it means to be, allowing them to take our example and benefit from it. A good laugh, a soft smile, are the tools of the existential optimist. By living and believing in an existence of happiness, we begin to affect those around us, allowing others to share in our good spirit.

With this comes personal responsibility. With the knowledge that everything we do, we set forth as an example of how others should act, comes the onus of taking responsibility for it all. But while some people would consider this constraining, the optimist should see it as freeing. Unbound by excuse, unconstrained by dilemma, be freed in knowing that the repercussions of your actions are yours alone.

So next time someone tries to tell you that Existentialism makes them sad, remember the good things that it provides you, and strap on a smile.