According to a Gallup poll conducted June 25-27, 2000, Americans from the U.S. favor teaching creationism in the public schools, along with evolutionism, by a margin of 68% to 29%. However, by a margin of 55% to 40%, they would oppose replacing evolution with creation (see Creationism in America).

Despite public support for teaching those subjects in public schools, most Americans do not believe them to be crucial to a person's education. According to a Gallup poll, conducted August 24-26, 2000, only 28% of Americans say evolution should be a required subject and 49% say it should be an elective one.

According to the most recent Gallup poll, 47% of Americans believe that God created human beings at one time within the last 10,000 years pretty much in their present form , while 49% believe that human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, including 40% who say that God guided the process, and 9% who say that God had no part in the process. This pattern of responses is essentially unchanged from the four previous times it was asked -- first in 1982, second in 1993, third in 1997, and then again in 1999.

Should the above data demonstrate that nearly 50% of Americans are wrong? Or are such kind of statistics biased?

The Gallup Organization, Princeton. POLL ANALYSES. February 14, 2001