The Union of Country Sports Workers or UCSW is the British trades union for the likes of hunt servants and game keepers as well as ghillies and water bailiffs - people employed in the old English pastimes of huntin', shootin' and fishin' or country sports.

Its main purpose is to defend its members' rights and fight against any threats to their jobs and homes. The main threat to its members jobs and homes coming from the government which is seeking to outlaw hunting with dogs, The UCSW opposes any such restrictions; its official view is that "all current legal methods of predator control should be allowed to continue when undertaken by competent and experienced practitioners and we would not seek to justify one method of control while condemning another."

It is primarily a campaigning organisation and is an oddity amongst trade unions as it is one of the very few that anyone can join; associate membership is open to anyone who participates, or is interested, in country sports.
