Jynx is found in Pokémon Snap in the cave map. The first time around they just sit in a pool of water. After you unlock the Pokéflute you can make them dance which will hatch the Articuno egg. As a child it irked me that no matter which Pokéflute song you play the Jynx dance is always the same.

The N64 was truly a marvelous machine. The most frustrating game I owned for it was Hey You Pikachu!. It was an innovative thing. It came with a microphone attachment and your main interaction was to give your electric friend voice commands. Mind you this come out in 2000-ish so it wasn't exactly good technology. I distinctly remember losing my shit one time when the yellow bastard was being particularly difficult. I demanded that all background noises stop. My brothers, my Dad in the bathroom, my mom saying something that didn't concern me, all of it. If I'm remembering right I was near tears. Ah, childhood. I can't remember if I ever beat the game or why/when I stopped playing but I sure remember my tantrum.

I hear Pokémon Snap 2 is coming soon. It really is a perfect game for the Nintendo Switch. I'm sure that 2020 put a delay on it's release. We really talked up 2021 for a while there too. I hope we didn't jinx it.