Triangle Fraternity for Engineers, Architects and Scientists.

Author's note: As a member of Triangle Fraternity, I am a biased reporter; I have tried to represent the group fairly. After reading some of the other fraternity posts on, I felt the need to provide another viewpoint.

Triangle is exactly what one would expect from a geek fraternity. Triangle is a senior member of the National Interfraternity Council, one of only three members of that council whose name is not a sequence of Greek letters. There exist 32 chapters nationwide, as of 1999. By restricting membership to men from the technical studies, it is possible to create an atmosphere of comraderie, partying and social experience that doesn't interfere with academics, as everyone involved has the heavy class load that such majors require.

Triangle draws its name from the importance of the triangle in engineering applications. The uncollapsible polygon is critical in construction. This kind of structure and support is what Triangle tries to provide to its brothers.

Members of Triangle typically have a bit of pride that they are not like other fraternities... but then, members of most fraternities feel that theirs is unique. But to give you an idea of our status: at a meeting of all the fraternities on campus, a discussion came up of the computer savvy-ness of the various houses, and whether they had computers available for writing reports or taking care of the fraternity finances. Each fraternity gave its report, and all of them said they had a few personal machines in house, but they really didn't have extensive facilities. Triangle went last in this discussion. We described the internal house ethernet we'd built ourselves and the fact that more computing power was available in our home than in the campus labs. It's in moments like these (when others are torn between mocking you as a geek and envying your Quake environment) that the difference between Triangle and other fraternities shows most.