I say something like this every year; I think I've got it down to a science.

Something awful happened here six years ago, but awful things happen everywhere, all the time. We as a species are relentlessly cruel to each other, usually in little ways; sometimes in more dramatic ones. We are emphatically NOT special, and the more attention we pay to this, the more it won't have the chance to die. It's self-perpetuating and self-fulfilling, feeding off of the real grief of some (some of us included), the identification issues of others and channeled through the stylized, flashy, eyeball sucking power that is corporatized American media.

This isn't healing. This isn't even close. This is torture for profit and usury for political gain.

It's a circus out there and I want no part of it. Wake me up when we've learned how to be kind to one another.