I wake up in a another kind of profound darkness. For a while I think I am asleep, and not dreaming, but then I wonder that I am thinking, but not awake so I must be dreaming. Then I notice that it isn't really all that black, just sort of dark grey, and someone cycles by very close to me making me realise I am in a mist. It is a friend who is wearing bright pink bicycle clips. At a loss for anything to do I run after him in the mist but I can hear him fade into nothing. I sit down and I realise that I am on grass, and it is sloping, probably some sort of hill. I follow the hill down and down and I start to see light through the mist, some sort of town perhaps, and I start running. Before I can stop I realise I have run straight over a ledge and am falling towards the lights, I can feel the air rushing up around me and the dread of the impact. Splash. I am in water, I swim up to the surface and realise the lights were just a reflection of the stars and that while the hill I was on is surrounded by smog the rest of the sky is clear. I swim towards the shore but can't reach it for some reason, and I get picked up by an empty raft, which takes me away from the hill which I realise is now an Island. I sail away into the night, and look up at the moon, and then wake up.