This is the best recipe for white cake and frosting
I've come across. I can't remember where I got it, but
it's the tastiest, I'm convinced. This cake gets rave
reviews. Make cakes from scratch -- your special people
will be able to tell the difference (cake mixes have this
wierd fruity flavor that's distinctive but hard to describe).
This cake is good for making weird shapes, too.



  1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
  2. Cream shortening in a large bowl (that is, beat it with beaters or a mixer until it's creamy in appearance and texture).
  3. Gradually add 1 C of the sugar, beating well.
  4. Add the vanilla and almond extracts.
  5. Into a separate bowl, sift the flour, baking powder, and salt.
  6. Alternate between adding small amounts of the dry ingredients and the milk to the shortening mixture. Blend well after each addition. Be patient.
  7. Beat the egg whites until they are stiff.
  8. Add the remaning .5 C sugar gradually to the egg whites, continue beating.
  9. Fold egg white mixture into batter, that is, carefully mix them in to avoid bursting all the bubbles you formed in the last 2 steps.
  10. Pour the batter into a cake pan.
  11. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Watch the cake carefully after the 20 minute mark -- different amounts and types of milk will alter the cooking time.
  12. Enjoy. Let it cool before cutting or decorating.
The following recipe makes a pretty good, albeit generic, frosting. I still think it tastes better than the pre-packaged stuff.



  1. Put the shortening, milk, salt, and vanilla in a large mixing bowl.
  2. Cover with 2 C of the sugar.
  3. Begin mixing, slowly. Scrape the sides of the bowl from time to time with a rubber spatula or something.
  4. Gradually add the rest of the sugar, continue beating until light and fluffy.
  5. Cover with a damp towel until it is ready to use.

Let me know how it turns out.