Today, I woke up in 10:30 AM after my much-needed sleep from yesterday's stuff. However, I have to work with my brother to fix a few computers for his friends. One of them is a recipient of a PCI modem with no driver. I searched for the modem's manufacturer through the FCC web site ( I've found the manufacturer (Archtek, a little company in Taiwan), and I proceeded to install the driver. Done as toast.

The second computer was a toughie. My brother installed a new hard drive and needed a CD-ROM for the second computer as well. My first CD-ROM (the Plextor I was so proud of) was chosen to be used for that computer. I took out my CD-ROM, and had it installed to my the friend's computer. Farewell, kick-ass CD-ROM drive!

Congratulations to Karen Ziemba for her Tony Award for "best featured actress in a musical" in Contact. Karen is so... l33t!