Langport is located in the county of Somerset in the South-West of England. The small town is located between a number of large towns, being, Taunton, Bridgewater, Yeovil and Glastonbury and lies upon the River Parrot. Being surrounded by such towns it is an easily overlooked destination.

However it is quoted as being "the heart of the levels" and an "ancient town", with apparently relevant historical value.

The town is named Langport as the word 'port' at the time was derived from the word 'portus' the Latin of market. The 'lang' however is disputed, but is more or less concluded to be either 'long', or as deriving from 'Llan', meaning church in Old Welsh. So it might mean the market by the church, or else the long market.

The town lies upon the ever popular 54 bus route travelling from Taunton to Yeovil and the reverse, passing through such towns as Somerton, Curry Rivel, Five Head and Wrantage. All equally inconseqential towns.

There is no actual drawing quality for the town, it bears a number of pubs and a caravan site, Bowdens Crest, which continues to be a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

The town is a relatively safe location, littered with 'skaters' and various other teenagers displaying the average issues of todays modern teen, and a good deal of miserable old folk.