The young, the uneducated and the people without memory will remember Operation Desert Storm. Sending out young men to kick ass somewhere far, far away.

Video game war. "Wow, did you see that bridge collapse ?" war. Couple of weeks later, justice and peace have been restored, the young men, now turned into heroes, return. Cool !
So - that is war ? Sounds like something we should do more often, imagine all the cool war movies ! And I can go and shoot some evil foreigner, just like uncle Joey !

Enough, already. War is not a glorious adventure, war means killing people. Violence. Going home (if you still can) to find your home burned down, your kids killed, your wife raped. The evil foreigner to kill might be you. Maybe you are lucky. The company you worked for has been bombed. Getting a new job ? Sure - difficult to do after you lost a leg in the mine field. (Did you really believe that your college degree and a couple of weeks of basic training make you invulnerable ? That the enemy only employs people who can't shoot ?)