"The Rent Is Too Damn High" Party made its presence known when its leader, Jimmy McMillan, appeared at New York's 2010 Gubernatorial debate. The party's position? The rent is too damn high.

Jimmy McMillan's debate appearance might solidify him as the most quotable politician of the decade, with gems like

"Listen! Someone's stomach, child's stomach, just growled, DID YOU HEAR IT? Gotta listen like me."

"As a karate expert, I will not talk about anyone up here, because our children can't afford to live anywhere."

(On gay marriage) "The Rent Is Too Damn High Party feels, if you want to marry a shoe, I'll marry you."

There are only three people registered as members of The Rent Is Too Damn High Party (changed to The Rent Is 2 Damn High Party to fit on the ballots), and Jimmy McMillan is not one of them, instead belonging to the Democratic Party. McMillan ran for mayor of New York in 2005 and 2009 before his current campaign for governor. He ran into controversy in 2005 after blaming the high rent on Jewish property owners, for which he has apologized.

Just how much Jimmy McMillan pays for his own rent is a mystery. On separate occasions he has stated that he pays $800 a month for his one-bedroom apartment and that he does has not paid rent since the 1980's, but does maintenance work for his building. There are rumors that he keeps nunchucks in his car, which also serves as a mobile office, and that the American Mustache Institute is supporting him because of his distinctive facial hair (he has an "Imperial" mustache, apparently).

Unfortunately, McMillan is not New York's new governor. However, I suspect neither the man nor the myth will be gone anytime soon.