Currently the only men's dormitory at Southern Adventist University. Looks like this:

     |                               1      |
     |        ,_______X_______--____________|
     |        |
     |        |                  X - my room (171)
     | 5      |                  1 - Deans' residence
     |        `--------------.   2 - Chapel (1st floor)
     | 4        3 5          |       TV room (basement)
     |        ,______________|   3 - Laundry room (2d/3d)
     | 5      |                  4 - Main lobby (1st)
     |        |                      Laundry room (basement)
     |        |                  5 - Offices (1st)
.----'        `----------_------.
|  2                         1  |     ---> North
|____.        ,__________-______|

For all the world like a giant E, eh? Three stories tall, and only two--well, two official--televisions in the whole place. 'Cause they're not allowed.

It is my home and I love it. *growl*

They intend to build an extension to it, because there's not enough housing on campus. The proposed new wing will be on the east side of the building, where a parking lot now is. But it won't be built until after I'm gone.