Yo, editors!

I know I don't say it a lot, partially because I honestly forget who is on staff and who isn't. Maybe one of these days, I'll turn on those staff sigils in the chatterbox and get really surprised.

Anyhow! You guys are gnarly. For years I have read on E2, and it hasn't all crumbled to dust because you provide a certain degree of guidance to those willing to learn and a check on that which hasn't quite founds its voice.

Don't ever change.

Except when you do.

OM will pardon me for piggybacking on his writeup. This was mostly poor timing on my part. I usually manage to get features from the "we're going to do something like this anyway so let's do THIS and let's do it NOW" department closer to a root or ed log. Something more official-announcement-like-looking is in the near future.
