I really haven't got any reason to post a daylog except to update node auditing progress, but I've fallen behind on my goals, so here is one which does that. I will share two tidbits I've read in the news of late. First, scientists in Japan have figured out how to clone mice for an unending number of generations - that is, they've overcome the problem of the copy of a copy being not as sharp as the original. And, scientists in the good old US of A have figured out how to put human brain cells in mouse embryos, which it turns out makes smarter mice (solving mazes faster and such). So put these together and soon we'll be overrun by legions of superintelligent mice.


In node auditing news, progress stubbornly squishes forward, and here is where I stand:

Pretzellogic and jessicapierce are done!!

hamster bong is on page 8 of 14.
passport is on page 4 of 27
Pseudo_Intellectual is on page 3 of 31
Segnbora-t is on page 3 of 34
And pukesick is on page 3 of 29.

This is starting to seem like it actually, possibly, someday, might get done!!

Blessings, all