"A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful, and restrained. It can afford to extend a helping hand to others. It’s a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity." Jimmy Carter

1924-, 39th President of the United States, Winner of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize (see President Jimmy Carter's Nobel Lecture). He was born in Plains, Georgia where he grew up on his father's peanut farm. Graduate of the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., he served in the Navy for 10 years eventually becoming senior officer of a nuclear submarine, the "USS K-1". When his father died in 1953, he returned to Plains to take over the family farm. He built up the family business to greater successes than his father had. After spending some years on the farm, he chose to run for state senator. He served two terms. One day, he decided to run for Governor. His first attempt he lost. On the second attempt he won by a slim margin. He served as Governor of Georgia from 1970 to 1975. While still in the Governor's job, he began thinking of running for President. This was the time of Watergate and the entire country was very skeptical of the honesty of President Nixon. His campaign was truely a historical event. He went from unknown to President in 18 months. After a successful campaign for the 1976 Democratic presidential nomination, Carter beat Gerald Ford for the Presidency. Upon assuming office, the country was already in a recession. His first declared goal was the reduction of the unemployment rate. By focusing on the issue, he initially got the rate to go down. However high oil prices brought about by OPEC caused a high rate of inflation which torpedoed the economy.The Prime Rate went to 23%! Another significant reality of the time was the looming Cold War which marked relations between the US and the USSR. During this time, Carter signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT II) Treaty. After working to promote Peace in the Middle East, he decided to invite both Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin to the Presidential retreat at Camp David for talks. After many stalls, he finally got a document signed, now referred to as the Camp David Accords. It was a milestone in progress as far as bridging the gulf of understanding in the region.

Then, Islamic Fundamentalism overthrew the US backed Shah of Iran. The American Embassy in Tehran was overrun resulting in the Iranian Hostage Crisis where 52 American citizens were taken hostage. To attempt to get the hostages out, they hatched Operation Eagle Claw which did not resolve the issue. They were held for 444 days and essentially consumed the last year of the Carter Presidency.

Significant achievements of his Presidency include:

Alas, overshadowing all of this was the Iran Hostage Crisis.

Cabinet members in the Carter Administration include:

After leaving office, he accomplished more than any other "former president" before or since. His post presidential achievements include:

When he came to Washington, Carter had Solar panels put on the roof of the White House. After he left Ronald Reagan had them removed.

In 1976 he was named Time Magazine Man of the Year


Source: www.jimmycarterlibrary.org Carter, Jimmy, "Why Not The Best", Bantam Books, NY, 1976 Last Updated 04.09.04