Horror Tree is a website dedicated to the dark side of literary culture.

If you happen to write horror/dark fiction or poetry, Horror Tree is a great place to visit to find a home for your artistic endeavors. They've organized their website to make it easy to find open submission calls, including a calendar-based listing if you prefer to have that feeling of impending deadlines looming over your head.

They have drop-downs for stories, poetry, anthologies, magazines, podcasts, audio, and websites looking for fresh meat for their grinder. Like writing flash fiction? Yup, there's a listing for you. Same for articles. If you're more of the professional author type, you can filter by payment, for example 6-cents a word minimum for pro-pay.

As a bonus, they occasionally have their own open calls for their website. One of the short stories I posted here for the 2021 Horrorquest, Monster under the bed, was originally published as a drabble over on Horror Tree.

So, if horror floats your boat down here, check them out and find homes for all of your scary stories lurking on your hard drive.