My wife never EVER wanted to have children. When we were married, she warned me that she didn't want any. I was in love with her, so we tied the knot.

About three months later, she began to feel very sick. She has always been anemic, and I always joke that she has exactly four red blood cells in her body at any one time. I figured that she had the flu, but since she was throwing up a lot I should take her in to see the doctor.

They put in an IV (her first of many, and she is terrified of needles). She was a bit anemic and dehydrated from barfing. Oh, yes, and she was pregnant.

Since I was sitting out in the waiting room, I didn't hear the screaming and yelling. The doctor came out and said congratulations, and apparently it was unexpected. Would I be kind enough to restrain my wife from freaking out and trying to tear out her IV?

When I walked in the room, I could not help but have a gigantic shit-eating grin on my face. She couldn't blame me, however, since she was on the pill at the time. In the time between the doctor going out to get me and my entering the room, she had gone through all her options. She is pro-choice, but couldn't do it herself. She gave me her Patented Look-of-Death as I went over to her and gave her a big hug. She hit my back a few times and spat curses at me while I hugged her. Then it hit her that she was going to have a baby, and she calmed down.

She pulled away and made me promise that if we had this baby, I would never EVER have a cat. It didn't take me long to agree.

We've had two more, and she has made the absolute best Mom for my children. She is a strong woman who can take care of herself and our kids should something happen to me. I'm very proud of my wife.

Update, Mar 2004: We have a cat.