Lee Grinner Pace (b. 1979) is an American actor. He may be best known for his portrayal of Ned, a pie maker cum private eye cum dead waker-upper, in the short-lived TV series Pushing Daisies but with his career on the rise he may now be more recognized for other roles. He was born in Oklahoma and spent several years of his youth in Saudi Arabia. Most of his childhood was spent in Texas. After high school he studied at the Juilliard School and graduated in 2002. Since then he has been repeatedly recognized for his talent. A versatile actor, he has played widely varying roles including a transgender woman, a comic book villain, a vampire (cringe) as well as a bunch of regular dudes. He also has an upcoming role as Thranduil, king of the elves of Mirkwood, in the final two films of the Hobbit trilogy--The Desolation of Smaug and There and Back Again.

Ok, now with the biography out of the way, I have to tell you all, he's dreamy as hell. I mean seriously, just look at him. Those kind blue eyes and dulcet tones are enough to give me the vapors. And I'm not even into guys. Granted, I know him best from Pushing Daisies in which he's the most adorably damaged and huggable woobie imaginable so that could've influenced my opinions. His best works, by far, are his dramatic roles and it's more than a little depressing that his filmography, which includes roles in Lincoln and The Good Shepherd, also includes a Twilight movie. If you only see one of his movies and you're a film geek like me, make it The Fall.