Unrealistically simplified dream about me and some other people, trying to build the first rocket ever... As the dream begun, our team was testing a new prototype in a large field behind the barn we used for building our equipment. The prototype was made from two parts, one was like a missile on shopping cart wheels with a large propel in the rear instead of jet, and the second part looked like a fokker with unusually wide hull and four truck tires. Our anxious test pilot had just taken the seat in the missile part, and put the leather helmet and old pilot glasses on his head while two other "rocket scientists" took seats in the fokker part. The missile was connected in front of the fokker, and the fokker was used to push the missile into good speed before its motor was activated and, much to the delight of the test pilot, it flew whole two meters before landing on its wheels and running out of fuel. He didnt seem to have any idea about the original plan though, as the fokker without the rotor flew over him. The scientists on the ground enjoyed the victory as the fokker flew a few circles before landing on the field, suprisingly with only three tires. Soon I noticed the tire falling from high above, and shouted everyone to take cover before the wheel hit the ground and bounced again in the air, this time flying towards a technician. Just before hitting him, the tire hit the ground and bounced in the opposite direction, bouncing for a while before stopping on the ground so everyone could come back to the test field. The scientists started analyzing what went wrong with the tire, while I and a few others went back to the barn to improve the actual rocket with the new information got from the previous experiment. Between the shelves of stuff and tools lied our main rocket, a hull of a truck with lots of large electric forklift batteries lied side to side on top of it. I started connecting the cables of the batteries together by rolling the stripped open ends of the cables together, while rest of the team that had been investigating the tire came back in and started fixing the flaw with the tires of the rocket. While I was working, I watched and wondered what the scientists were doing, as they filled the tires with battery acid and nailed barrel lids on the tires as hubcabs. They joked about Varta making tires nowadays, but soon the project got close to finish and we begun the countdown to the launch, though the rocket wasnt completed yet. The tires were soon connected, but someone brought in a new battery for a little extra power, and because the countdown had a few minutes left, we decided to connect the battery to the rocket as well. We fit it between the rest of the batteries and the 90 degrees tilted cockpit of the truck, and though the time was running short, I pulled out the cables of the battery, just to notice that they were 10cm too short! I quickly got some extra cable pieces and connected as many of them as I could, but the countdown was closing to the end so I didnt have time to wire all of the battery capacity. The second pilot told me to get in, because the loose cables would melt together anyway, and as I got into the cockpit, the rest of the team pushed the rocket out into the field and onto the lauching ramp. I still had a lot of questions about the rocket, like wouldnt using liquid fuel make the rocket lighter as the fuel runs out, and how are we going to get back, but the second pilot told me that the mass of the rocket can stay same for the return, and though his explanation was hard to comprehend, he basically meant that we were going around the sun before boosting us away from its orbit and back to Earth. The countdown got to the end and the rocket started accelerating by some electric phenomena I hadnt quite understood yet, and soon we got out from the atmosphere and when we were going past the sun, we started deccelerating to get to the orbit. We circled around the sun, but when we accelerated again to break away from the orbit, we didnt have enough power and the rocket started falling towards the sun. We had to do something quickly, but luckily the second pilot remembered that when he was using the rocket as a truck, he had forgotten lots of plush minks under the bed behind the seats! We somehow detached the rest of the hull with the batteries, exposing the tight stuffed minks, which heat made expand and produce static electricity that helped us get to the course towards the earth. Too bad I woke up before we landed though..