Hi folks. I'm going to make this short, since otherwise I'm sure to blather on for pages & pages...

I have decided to resign my admin buttons for the time being. Most of you probably didn't realize I had god-level access to begin with, so this isn't exactly a breaking headline.

Katherine asked me to join the e2coders group earlier this year simply because I'm excited by the direction that edev discussions have been headed lately & wanted to help out. Once inside the door, however, my desire to help out immediately ran up against my total fear of editing live code. Since after many fruitless months I still haven't overcome that fear (and since sporadic efforts to build a testbed server still haven't panned out), I've only used my unlimited power to heal and destroy a handful of times all summer.

Bottomline: there's no point in me having the Power Cosmic if I'm not even going to use it for anything. I'd prefer to go back to the mortal realm for now.

p.s. Thanks to Oolong and Alex especially, and in10se and all the rest, for putting up with my slacker ways. I'm truly sorry that I've failed to produce anything useful. Please keep doin' what you're doin'.

And in case you're wondering: No, of course I'm not leaving E2 altogether. It's just getting to the good bit.