Yes, capitalism is doomed to eventual failure and collapse. This fact can be easily proven with just 3 prepositions.
  1. A capitalist economy must expand in order to remain healthy.
  2. Expansion requires resources.
  3. Resources are finite within the universe.

Thus we find that there comes a point, wherein there are no resources free to be used for expansion. As expansion halts, the capitalist economy withers and dies.

We see here that due to no future expansion (there aren't any resources with which to expand), the economy cannot grow. (Even in an information based economy there comes a point when everything is known). Without the expectation of growth, there will be no investment, as there will be no return on investment. Short run Aggregate Supply will fall, as it is no longer profitable to produce. As SAS drops, unemployment will run rampant, and as no one has money to purchase goods and services, the economy collapses under it own dead weight.

Would all downvoters please say baa.