Democratic Senator from South Dakota

Tom Daschle, born December 9, 1947, in Aberdeen, South Dakota, the eldest of four brothers. He earned a political science degree from South Dakota State University in 1969, becoming the first person in his family to earn a college degree.

After college, he spent three years as an intelligence officer in the U.S. Air Force Strategic Air Command, then went on to five years as an aide to South Dakota Senator James Abourezk.

He served four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives starting in 1978. In 1986, Daschle beat incumbent Senator James Abdnor to win his first senate seat. He was re-elected in 1992. And 1998. Tom Daschle is currently the majority leader of the Senate, and on the Senate Agriculture Committee. Every year he takes an “unscheduled driving" tour, when he travels across his home state of South Dakota in his car with no staff and no schedule.

With his wife, Linda Hall Daschle he has three children: Kelly, Nathan and Lindsay. In his free time Daschle trained for and completed the Philadelphia Marathon two years ago.

His website and contact info is at