The Hydrino

The brain-child and cause of friction between Dr. Randell Mills, who is both a medical doctor and an electrical engineer, and the better part of the entire theoretical physics community. Mills claims to have found a method that allows one to make the electron of a hydrogen atom drop to an energy state lower than the base energy predicted by quantum physics. He has named this low-energy hydrogen atom, the hydrino. He claims that in using this method, typical molecules that have hydrogen in them emit large amounts of energy.


This would, of course, have huge implications for energy production...if true. Most of the scientific community remain skeptical of Mills's results, with good reason, he's managed to challenge a fairly well ingrained and strong theory of physics.

In response to these detractors, Mills decided to create a new quantum theory, which he named classical quantum theory. CQM, he states, unifies Maxwell's equations, Newton's Laws, Einstein's Special and General Relativity.

Calling him a crackpot is probably not far of the mark, many prominent pseudo-science debunkers have attacked him and his other detractors are surprised he's still around. But more than that it all seems too good to be true. He's saying he's unified physics, refuted all of quantum theory, and has provided us with a nigh-limitless source of energy. That and he says things like "Hydrino chemistry may be essential to mankind's understanding of the universe and future technological growth." Nevertheless he's managed to convince enough people that he's right that he's bought a large scale facility to do research. Make no mistake however, he has got a significant following of non-quantum scientists, even some physicists. Thus there may very well be something to what he's saying.

The crux of the matter is that his results seem too good to be true. It's only fair to give him the benefit of a doubt, but in the same way it's fair to let a five year old hit the baseball with ten year olds. It's possible he might get a home run, but we'll only believe it when we see it.