Alabama 3's long-awaited second album.

La Peste ("the Plague") was released on the Elemental label in October 2000. In case you care, the catalog ID is ELM053CD. Unexpectedly, opinions vary on this album, especially regarding track 6, a unique cover of The Eagles' Hotel California. Personally, I prefer track 1. The traditional blend of country/gospel and acid/rock serves as an amazing introduction to a great album.

  1. Too Sick To Pray 4:45
  2. Mansion On The Hill 3:00
  3. Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlife 4:43
  4. Walking In My Sleep 6:09
  5. Wade Into The Water 5:15
  6. Hotel California 5:34
  7. Cocaine (Killed My Community) 4:44
  8. The Thrills Have Gone 4:30
  9. 2129 4:24
  10. Strange 5:27
  11. Sinking... 5:29
  12. Woke Up This Morning (bonus track) 4:09