Brodmann area 37 (BA37) is a region of the brain that is involved in connecting language to vision. It spreads across areas of the fusiform gyrus and inferior temporal gyrus, although incorporates comparatively small areas within these structures. To give you a general idea of its position, imagine the cerebellum wearing a small, lumpy peaked cap; that cap is BA37.

BA37 helps with word finding (both production and retrieval), semantic categorization, sounding out letters, processing sign language, and face-name recognition. These processes are largely lateralized to the left hemisphere, although the right can take over if the left is damaged; in the normal course of things, the right hemisphere assists with these functions to some extent, but seems to be dedicated largely to drawing (but not writing -- that's the left side again). BA37 also provides partial support in producing episodic memories (helping with the visual component), understanding metaphors, and using deductive reasoning.