Hollywood has depicted Queen Cleopatra with a dizzying array of silly hairstyles, but one of the more sensible and common is a bob with sharp bangs. This is often referred to as a Cleopatra bob.
A Cleopatra bob is comparatively standardized as far as hairstyles go. Sharp, straight-cut bangs across the forehead (usually falling above the eyebrows), straight locks framing the face and falling usually to the shoulders, and minimal shaping. It is noteworthy that this hairstyle comes with some surprisingly common correlates; it is nearly always done with very straight black hair, and usually worn with fairly dark eyeliner.
This style may be known more generally as a straight bob, referring to the sharp right angles throughout; it is also very closely related to the French bob.
Ironically, Cleopatra apparently had curly hair, perhaps auburn (but we really don't know), and we don't have any evidence that she ever wore it in a bob.