"This is a very unusual case"
Andrew Ward - Northumbria police spokesman

Boyd Taylor was 36 year old builder who lived with his father Robert at a small bungalow just off the A696 in the village of Milbourne at Northumberland in England.

For whatever reason, and no reason has come to light, the younger Mr Taylor decided that he'd had enough of this world and spent some weeks leading up to the January of 2003 constructing a home made guillotine in his bedroom. This he hooked up to electrical timing device set to go off at half past three in the morning.

For understandable reasons, none of the media reports have been that forthcoming on the exact details of the device, but I would assume that Mr Taylor built the guillotine over his bed and calmly laid down to sleep in the confident expectation that he would never awake again.

The coroner for South East Northumberland, a gentleman by the name of Eric Armstrong reached a verdict of

at the conclusion of the recent inquest on the grounds that, despite the lack of a suicide note, the time taken to complete the guillotine clearly indicated premeditation.

The death he concluded, was 'not a spur of the moment decision'. No shit.

Of course the person you have to feel most sorry for is Robert Taylor who found his son's body in the morning. A fundamental demonstration of the selfishness of suicide.


Sourced from news reports at