Calculus in the present sense was developed in the 17th century concurrently by Leibniz and Newton. However, there were many foreshadowings of Calculus long before, such as Zeno's Paradoxes. Especially of note are Archimedes discovery of how to find the tangent to a spiral and the discovery of power series in present day Kerala, India by the astronomer Mahadeva. Many discoveries that lead up to Calculus had been made earlier in the millenium and the science of Calculus was later refined by others. One of the most notable of these later mathematicians was Weierstrass, who formulated the Epsilon-Delta definition of limits that is taught in Calculus classes today. The science of Calculus made possible several things that were impossible before. For example, Kepler's laws of motion, which took him years to derive, became less than a day's work with the advent of Calculus. Modern-day students of Calculus are assigned the project of deriving Kepler's laws. Calculus has advanced much farther in it's four centuries of existence than it's creators could have imagined. Today it holds an important place in the study of Mathematics and Physics.