André Andersen was born on December 16 in Moscow, Russia. He studied piano since he was 5 in a music school in conjunction with his regular school.

At the age of 14 he discovered a different genre of music aside from classical, by accidently getting Deep Purple's In Rock. From that point on, he started to combine his classical chops with the rock form in every piece of music he writes.
André speaks of Mozart and Paganini's work as his biggest inspiration aside from people like Rick Wakeman and Jon Lord, who invented the "rock approach" to the keyboards.

Playing and recording with different bands brought another passion into his life - producing. He worked as a sound engineer in various studios aside from playing club gigs with different bands and perfecting his songwriting skills.

In 1984 he moved to Denmark. After a while he built his own working place - Mirand Studio (now expanded and removed to a recently established North Point).
Having an opportunity to record all of his ideas without watching the clock, he started to create a whole set of compositions and songs where the elements of classical music, progressive and straight hard rock were mixed to create a unique signature sound.

André reinforced and polished his "invention" by working with countless projects until the day when Royal Hunt was formed and the final bricks - the music and musicianship of every individual - would fall into place.