i've had my time with you,
brief stolen moments of bliss.
i've had my time with you,
i just want more.
Always it's just one moment short of what i need.
i don't want these tiny snatches...
i want for once to be able to stay in your arms as long as i need, not be constantly tearing myself away because there is no time left.
but again, as it has been, and will be for too long...
i have to leave again now...

we've said our goodbyes...
or rather our farewells because we know there is no goodbye just a parting for a while until...
until i can make it back to you again, or you to me...
but there is nothing left to say...
you know as well as i that it is only a physical parting... that my soul is yours and stays in your presence... that i think of you always...
there is nothing left to say...
i've stared in your eyes and seen all words felt there clearer than any speech...
...and now...
there is nothing left to do...
save kiss once again, and part.