As reported yesterday, there was no news today.

Later, in a special edition, an investigation into the lack of events.

In summary, here are the main headlines from around the world:

.... John placed the bread knife under the running tap to rinse off the soap and bubbles, the shining reflective surface of the blade caught his eye and he held still for a few seconds, admiring the serrated edge of the blade and feeling that itch in his wrists again. He wondered if it would be painful....

.... Kate looked down at the water she could see running under the metal mesh of the bridge that crossed a river running full with springs first melt. The effect of moving forward over the water as it passed from left to right made her feel an unease in her stomach. She continued walking to the centre of the bridge and stopped to gaze over the railing and deep into the tumult of muddy circles that wrapped around the base of the bridge. It was a long drop and the wind would rush around her as she fell. She wondered if she would scream, if she would feel regret or fear as she fell....

.... James sat cross-legged on the floor and took another sip from the beer bottle and one last drag from the cigarrette before he tossed it into the orange and red of the fire. He had watched the flames grow around the coal and slowly consume it. Now the whole was a near molten mass of brightly coloured heat. To hold that fire in his hand, just to reach out and touch....

.... Simon watched from the embankment, his feet feeling like they might slip in the rough earth of the steep slope that led down to the tracks. He held the train in his gaze as it steadily grew from the distance. His feet might yet lose their grip and he would tumble down grabbing at the grass and bushes to stop his slide before finally coming to a stop in front of the on-coming engine....

.... Sharon heard the shrill cry of the child in the buggy in front of her. It seemed, improbably, even louder and more pitched than it had in the super market and made her insides quake with fear and a hatred that made her tired mind almost split in two. The cars continued to rush by and she stared blankly at the crossing sign waiting for change. If she nudged the buggy forward it would roll off the pavement and out into the on-coming traffic....

.... I have always waited for a moment of change. Waited for a time when just the smallest of choices would make the greatest difference. In the simple, non-descript, normality of our less-than-news-worthy lives we keep the headlines at bay with only the tiniest of choices....