Work retail. I'm not quite sure how it gives you the power of invisiblity, but apparently it does. I have been standing at the Information Desk, under a giant sign that labels me as Information, there I am staving off boredom by any means necessary, the Keeper of all Knowledge, and watched customers walk right past me to ask other customers where books were.
I've been trying to determine exactly what causes the invisibility factor and I believe it has something to do with our badge, or Press Pass as corporate wants us to call them now. If I'm on a break and not wearing one, invariably on my way to the bathroom, someone will come up and ask "Do you work here?" I, having way too high of a work ethic for a job like this, will invariably answer yes and try not to visibly cross my legs while waiting twenty minutes through a long abstract apology for imagined helplessness for the question "Where do you keep diet books?" On the other hand, I could be wearing a badge, a store shirt and be shelving books and people would go out of their way not to ask me a question - instead grabbing some other employee on their way to the bathroom.
The exception to this - if you are going to be inconvieniced in some dramatic way by your customer, you are no longer invisible. For example, while carrying a handful of obviously broken glass from a destroyed snow globe that had been kicked into the Children's department to avoid detection, I was stopped by no less than four customers needing assistance. The three employees at Info were standing around at that moment with nothing to do.
Human nature amuses me to no end.