(no, it isn't capitalized) is a blog written by Heather B. Armstrong formerly Hamilton, a recovering Mormon and stay-at-home mom. I'm not trying to imply that Mormons are bad, it's what it says on her site.

The web site followes her from a time when she was single and working as a web designer in Los Angeles, to when she was dating Jon Armstrong, the man who would later become her husband, to when she lost her job because of comments made on this web site, to when she and her new husband moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, to the birth of their first child and on to her family life.

This site is one of the most read blogs on the internet. In fact, in October 2005 the site began running enough ads that her husband was able to quit his job. One of those annoyingly-nicknamed "Mommy Blogs," this web site is surprisingly fresh and clever. Instead of those constantly disgusting posts about placenta and vomit, you'll find indelibly funny posts on the same subjects.

If you've got some time to murder violently, there are lots worse things to read.