Goal: to produce html files for the e2 microquests using only barebones info from a csv file.

Solution: Python

Saving this here in case I need to purge the computer in March and/or if I need to pass the baton and/or if someone else needs it

File: wordenchiladas.py

Requires: Python 3.x; markdown package

Usage: Just run python wordenchiladas.py

# To quickly generate html files for future word enchiladas
# You'll need:
#     1. a Markdown-formatted template ('template.txt')
#     2. a csv ('wordenchiladas.csv') with:
#         - season number
#         - episode number
#         - theme
#         - length (not used yet)
#         - YYYY-MM-DD start date
#         - YYYY-MM-DD end date
#         - Notes (optional)
# The end product is a lot of barebones html files, correctly enumerated
# with proper theme---encoded with rot13---, suggested nodetype, start and
# end dates.
# If this is for E2, remember that links there work with square brackets,
# so the template must have links like this:
# > This is an \[target\|example link\]
# The "length" is a feature yet to be implemented. The idea is to have 
# Quests with different parameters (different week days, duration, etc)
# so that you can just take the start ISO date and length and generate the 
# appropriate end times with `datetime` and `timedelta`. **Ask in e2
# what other times are good for enchiladas**.

import markdown
import csv
from datetime import date

def rot13(intext):
    # Barebones rot13 encoder/decoder. Ignores punctuation. Returns uppercase
    # because I can't be bothered to
    abc = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    cba = "nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm"
    secret = ""
    for i in intext.lower():
        if i in abc:
            secret += cba[abc.index(i)]
            secret += i

with open('wordenchiladas.csv', newline='', encoding="utf-8") as csvfile:
    # Doublecheck delimiter and quoting chars; these are default from OpenOffice
    spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
    next(spamreader, None)  # Skip the header row
    for row in spamreader:
        quest_start = date.fromisoformat(row[5]).strftime("%B %d, %Y")
        quest_end = date.fromisoformat(row[6]).strftime("%B %d, %Y")
        season = row[0].zfill(2)
        episode = row[1].zfill(2)
        with open("template.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as input_file:
            text = input_file.read()
            text = text.replace("{tkseason}", season)
            text = text.replace("{tkepisode}", episode)
            text = text.replace("{tktheme}", rot13(row[2]))
            text = text.replace("{tknodetype}", row[3])
            # text = text.replace("{tklength}", row[4])  # Reserved
            text = text.replace("{tkstart}", quest_start)
            text = text.replace("{tkend}", quest_end)
            text = text.replace("{tknotes}", row[7])
            html = markdown.markdown(text, extensions=['extra', 'smarty'])

            with open("wordenchiladaS" + season + "E" + episode + ".html", "w",
            encoding="utf-8", errors="xmlcharrefreplace") as output_file: