Project Euler is one of several coding challenges available on the internet, arguably one of the most popular out there.

I was directed to PE by a friend who knew I was learning Python on my own. One of the problems of self-educating on coding, he said, is that you seldom see a direct application for the lessons learned. Even more, without some kind of guidance, the autodidact may never learn how to solve the meta-problems of code optimization, algorithm design, code readability and many others found in less-than-ideal situations.

PE doesn't try to teach these concepts, it rather presents problems that should direct a student towards a few walls so she can stop and think for a moment. For the first few problems, it will be easy to brute force your way to a solution, but the more you advance, the more you will need to come up with proper processes in order to arrive at a solution before the Heat death of the Universe

I'm not a professional programmer and probably never will. I'm not a professional mathematician, either. I'm just the kind of guy that gets a kick out of solving puzzles. Therefore, I want to share with e2 the few specks of knowledge I've gathered on this short journey, hoping they will inspire someone else. These are hardly new concepts (even trivial for someone who actually knows what they're doing), so feel free to correct and expand with your own knowledge and experience.

Project Euler Guide | Problem 1 >>